Coping stress illustration of introvert and extrovert mother who has autism child.
Indri Mayasari
ABSTRACT INDRI MAYASARI. 2008. Coping stress illustration of introvert and extrovert mother who has autism child. (Guided by Winanti S Respati, Dra. Andhitia Rama, SPsi). Autism child has disruption in social interaction, communication, interest type limited in repetitive. In life, having this kind of child will be hard in dealing with kinds of problems. Problems and the needs of the child could make the mother easily stress. Both introvert and extrovert mother need to do coping in order to deal with her stress. This is quantitative research. By using the descriptive method, which is to get the description of stress mother both who is introvert and extrovert. The sample for this research is mother who got autism child. The sampling techniques use in this research is accidental sampling. We take the data collecting by using the questioners named Ways of coping from folkman and Lazarus, Dunkel-Schetter, DeLongis and Gruen. We compiled the scale of coping by using Eysenck theory for the extrovert and introvert personality. Data analysis in this research by using the descriptive statistic, showed in the form of table and diagram. From this research, we can see that strategy of coping which often used by mother who got autism child is seeking social support and confrontif coping. The strategy of seeking social support used by mother to look for advice, information or emotional support from others. She used this way only to some people whom she believes could give suggestions and alternative solution about her problem concretely. (Folkman& Lazarus;Dunkel-Schetter, DeLongis and Gruen, 1986 in Taylor,1999). This could make mother look for advice (Item 6; consultation...), look for information (item 7; read autism book...) and look for the emotional support (item 8; need for support...). Confrontif coping, take assertive action or risky action to change the situation (Folkman&Lazarus Dunkell-schetter DeLongis and Gruen, 1986 in Taylor, 1999). That matter makes mother use the assertive actions (item 1; explaine to others..., item 3; get angry with people...), or risky action (item two; hug her autism child when....). problems experienced by mother in taking care the autism child are when she educate and teach something to her child, and then problem with her child of behaviors and emotion like hyperactive, get mad and cry without any logical reasons. Besides that, there will be problem about money like course fee. All of those problems make mother get stress. This kind of mother has difficulty in sleeping and very tired.
- No. Panggil 150.2 MAY c
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- Pengarang Indri Mayasari
- Penerbit Universitas Indonusa Esa Unggul 2008