Anima Indonesian psychological journal
Self confidence and Stress Coping Among Hotel Employees Handling Guests Complaints Desak Nyoman Arista RD, James Waskito Sasongko, and Hasan Oetomo. Influence of Sociodrama on the Emotional Intelligence of Preschool Children Himantul Ulya and Erika Setyanti Kusuma Putri. Youth Courtship Sexual Behavior Exposure to Pornography, and Parental Sexual Communication Sri Lestari. Parenting in Multicultural Settings Experiences of the Indonesian Mothers Yopina G Pertiwi and Nandita Babu. Effectivity of Aroma, Light, and Al quran Therapy to Enchance Drivers Level of A wareness in Malaysia Yohan Kurniawan. Measuring Childrens Ethnic Prejudice Srisiuni Sugoto, Sari Dewi Sutjipto, Ananta Yudiarso, and Aminuddin Mohd, yusof. Cognitive Behavior Therapy Application of Intervention for Anorexiaantoso Nervosa Christine Santoso. Acknowledgement. Authors Index and Subjects Index.
- No. Panggil
- Edisi Vol.25 No.4 Juli 2010
- Pengarang
- Penerbit Surabaya 60293 Universitas Surabaya 2010