Gambaran Burnout Pada Perawat di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD BERKAH Pandeglang�
Adi Hariyadi
ABSTRACT ADI Hariadi 2010. Preview Burnout in Nurses in BERKAH Hospital�s Inpatient Room, Pandeglang. (Guided by Mestika Goddard, M. Si, Psi and Sri Handayani, SE, MM) Caring for patients, assisting physicians, conduct relations with other health team is the primary duty nurse. But in addition to the main task at BERKAH Hospital, Pandeglang a nurse is also required to perform tasks outside its main task of which perform administrative tasks for patients with poor people, social health insurance and public patients. This makes the task harder. More nurses are also often the target of complaints from patients or their families. Heavy workload, the demands of a nurse who is always under pressure when performing their duties that make them feel frustrated and stressed easily. And if the stress lasts for a long time and with high intensity it can make nurses experiencing burnout. The purpose of this study was to find a Preview Burnout in Nurses in BERKAH Hospital�s Inpatient Room, Pandeglang in 2010. This study uses quantitative methods, analysis techniques with descriptive statistics. The population was the 187 nurses who were working in inpatient room with the total sample 65 nurses. The method of sampling is simple random sampling, measuring instruments used in the form of a questionnaire with Likert scale. To determine the validity and reliability is tryout against 30 respondents. Score obtained is calculated by using Pearson Product Moment correlation and Cronbach alpha coefficient to determine the reliability of measuring instruments. After testing, the number of valid items to measure burnout total is 49 items from 90 items with a reliability coefficient 0.925. The research shows that viewed from the age of 20% of nurses experienced burnout low, 69% experienced burnout and 10.9% were experiencing high burnout. Based on the male gender 14.3% had high burnout, 85.7% experienced burnout and none were experiencing low burnout. For women 15% experienced high burnout, 59% experienced burnout and 25% were experiencing low burnout. Based on the D3, 19% had low burnout; burnout is 64% and 17% had high burnout. S1 12% lower burnout, burnout is 75% and 13% had high burnout. Of the three dimensions of burnout are emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment, the dimension of reduced personal accomplishment is the dominant dimension experienced by nurses.
- No. Panggil 150.4 HAR g
- Edisi
- Pengarang Adi Hariyadi
- Penerbit Jakarta Univ Esa Unggul 2010