Gambaran Stres dan coping stres pada wanita pasca menopause
Sri Mustikawati
ABSTRACT SRI MUSTIKAWATI. 2010. Views Stress and Coping Stress in postmenopausal women. (Taught by Dra. Winanti Sivi Respati, Psi and Dra. Safitri, MSI) Percentage of women who stopped menstruating continue to increase each year. In undergoing the phase of its development, women have different reactions to the cessation of menstruation. The usual reaction is a reaction appeared psychological, physical and social. Changing the physical aspects of emotional stress can cause a negative perception of him, and affects relationships with others. The condition can be stressful for women who experience it. If it is not addressed, could become a big obstacle for them to be able to continue running as normal and life as usual. Negative impact of stress will also affect the psyche that disrupt the harmony of family and social life, not even occur rarely unkind thoughts to himself, letting himself sick, or might even have thoughts of suicide. For that individual to do something to address existing sources of stress. Businesses that do individuals in overcoming stress is the application of coping strategies appropriate to their personal characteristics and circumstances. The purpose of this research is to find a picture of stress and stress coping in postmenopausal women. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Research subjects were ed purposively, that is, women who are postmenopausal phase. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and reinforced by terstuktur observation during the interview. Data results are processed in the form of interviews verbatim, coding, categories, and interpretations based on the theory used. Based on research results concluded that all subjects experienced sources of stress physiological, economic, psychological and psychosocial conditions experienced after the cessation of menstruation. The average subject was more oriented to solving emotional problems. The result is a stress load against the subject can not be overcome by either by the subject and cause problems physically and psychologically in each subject. The four subjects did not do emotion focused coping in the form of distancing as a reaction to abstain or not to involve themselves in issues. That's because the source of stress is firmly attached as a nature to be encountered by the subject as a woman that is experiencing postmenopausal conditions. The subject of social status and higher education than the other subjects, was more effective in dealing with stress sources with a focus on the problem (problem focused coping) and thus more able to cope with stress from the source to the three other subjects who are more focused on emotions (emotion focused coping).
- No. Panggil 150.4 MUS g
- Edisi
- Pengarang Sri Mustikawati
- Penerbit Jakata Univ Esa Unggul 2011