Gambaran Komitmen Pasangan Samen Leven
MARLA ANGELINA NIM : 2007-71-091
ABSTRACT MARLA ANGELINA. 2011. Picture of Commitment Couple of Cohabitation. (Guided by Dra.Winanti Siwi Respati, Msi. Psi and Drs.Mulyo Wiharto, MM, MH) Samen leven had an understanding between the couple lived together as man and woman based on marriage without lawful means, in the life of the samen leven in Indonesia is better known by the term cohabiting, individuals are free to have sexual intercourse with her life partner should the marital relationship, even to produce offspring. Indonesia is a country that does not acknowledge the existence of a relationship like that happen leven samen ni western countries but, in reality there are several actors samen leven which still survive and have a commitment in this relationship even though there was a rule of law and religion for couples who wish to live as husband wife. Commitment is the decision of individuals to be ready to build relationships. (Johnson, In Esterlinawati, 2008). As in other relationships, relationship breakup samen leven also present in the relationship and even some that can last up to a dozen or dozens of years in relation samen leven though the relationship is not recognized by the state and religion. This research was conducted with qualitative methods. The purpose of this study is to see a picture of the couple's commitment samen leven. The subject of this study is the pair of young adults aged samen leven. Subjects chosen by purposive sampling method. Data obtained with in-depth interviews and observation. From interviews was processed in verbatim form, coding categories and conducted discussions on the three research partners. The results showed that in general the three couples have a commitment in terms of moral and personal than structural. This can be seen all three pairs with pasagannya survive today because of love. Subjects also happy and comfortable can be a pair of each of them. All three couples have a problem to the moral and structural commitment. It is seen that they consider a breakup in a relationship is a common thing and only resigned when their relationship apart. In addition there is no consistency regarding the direction of their relationship. The commitment shown by the structural subject indifference to the surrounding environment to continue to run this association. The couple samen leven is not so concerned with the investment of both time and materials they have spent during intercourse if indeed separation must occur.
- No. Panggil 150.1 ANG g
- Edisi
- Pengarang MARLA ANGELINA NIM : 2007-71-091
- Penerbit Univ Esa Unggul 2011