Journal of the indonesian medical association
Bacteriophage As New Potential Management of Resistant Bacterial Infection. Candida spp Identification Using Chromogenic Medium. Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior of Antenatal Care among Women in Reproductive Age and Associated Factors. Diagnostic Test Ultrasonografi Examination at Patients with Non Visualization Kidney in Intravena Pyelografi (IVP) up to 120 Minutes. Mortality and Morbidity Benefit of Bariatric Surgery Among Obese Patients: an Evidence Based Report. The Correlation between Tympanogram Result with Location and Stadium of the Tumor in Newly Diagnosed Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients. A Setback in the Management of Sepsis.
- No. Panggil
- Edisi Vol.62 No.3 Maret 2012
- Pengarang
- Penerbit Jakarta 10350 Ikatan Dokter Indonesia 2012