Pengaruh Kompetensi, Motivasi dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT .CPI, Kantor Jakarta.
ABSTRACT RETNA SULIATI, The Influence of Employees� Competence, Motivation and Working Enviroment to Employees� Performance, conducted in CPI Company , Jakarta Based Office. This research was aimed to examine and analyze the influence of employee competence, motivation and working environment to employee performance . The research was conducted in CPI Company , Jakarta Based Office. The population consisted of 892 number of employees, from the mentioned company. Sampling was conducted using random sampling , including 90 respodends. Anayitical method used including validity testing, reliability testing, descriptive analysisand multiple regression test Based on the final analysis of this research, it was revealed that the variables of competence , motivation and working environment had a significant influenced over all employees� performance. It could be observed from the regression equation: Y = 3.122 + 0.440 X1 + 0.335 X2 + 0.268 X3, that employees� motivation variable contribute the largest influence to over all employees� performance. From the above equation it is known that the value of constant equal to 3122. This illustrates that at the time competence, motivation and work environment has a value of 0, then the value of employee performance will be 3122. On other words, the performance of PT CPI employees affected by other than competencies, motivation, and working environment will be valued as 3122. The contribution of independent variables (competence, motivation and work environment) on the dependent variable (performance) can be seen from the regression�s coefficient. Competence (X1)has a coefficients of 0440, motivation (X2) of 0335 and working environment has a coefficients of 0268. Among these three factors the motivation factor will be the most influencing factor to the employee workperformance.
- No. Panggil 658.4 SUL p
- Edisi
- Penerbit 2012