Correlation Between Self Regulated Learning And Academic Procrastination on Esa Unggul University Students.
ABSTRACT RIMA FIRLIANNE. 2012. Correlation Between Self Regulated Learning And Academic Procrastination on Esa Unggul University Students. (Supervised by Levianti, M.Si., Psi and Dra.Safitri, M.Si). A student always faces various assignments and duties in correlation with his role in education world. However, in doing those assignments and duties, there is often a reluctance or laziness appears to run them. This behavioral symptom is referred as academic procrastination which simply means to delay doing a work or a failure to finish the work handled. The reluctance which is followed by a delay of doing a task can be reduced with a condition where the student has to activate and control his metacognitive, motivation, and learning behavior which are systematically oriented to reach goals. It is referred as self regulated learning which is intended to encourage a student to do their academic assignments they should do. From those issues, the researcher is interested in finding out the correlation between self regulated learning and academic procrastination on Esa Unggul University Students. This research applies non-experimental quantitative by using correlational statistic technique to find out the correlation between self regulated learning and academic procrastination on Esa Unggul University students. The sample of this research is active students of Esa Unggul University, regular classes, 2003-2010 level. The sampling technique of this research is called proprortionate stratified random sampling. Data collection technique used is scale. To test the validity, the researcher uses Pearson Product Moment and to test the reliability the researcher uses Alfa Cronbach with reliability coefficient equals to 0,977 for self regulated learning variable and reliability coefficient equals to 0,912 for academic procrastination variable. The data analysis result of this research reveals that there is a high negative and significant correlation between self regulated learning and academic procrastination on Esa Unggul University students West Jakarta, the most student�s percentage is on a low self regulated learning and on a high academic procrastination. The supporting data show that the highest student�s percentage who has the low self regulated learning is the male students coming from Technique Faculty, at the age of 18-20, never joning any student�s organizations, and never getting reprimand from lecturers or parents. The highest student�s percentage who has high academic procrastination is the male students, coming from Technique Faculty, at the age of 21-40, never joining any student�s organizations and never getting any reprimand from lecturers or parents.
- No. Panggil 150.2 FIR c
- Edisi
- Penerbit 2012