Journal of engineering science
Siloxane based organic-inorganic hybrid polumers and their applications for nanostructured optical/photonic components, Confinement of reinforced-concrete colums with non-code compliant confinng reinforcement plus supplemental pen-binder, The effect of ozonation process on bromide-containing groundwaters in bandung are and its surroundings, Experimental study of confined low-,medium-and high-strength concrete subjucted to concentric comperession, The power consumption performance of an orbiting screw solid-solid mixer, Characteristics of oxidative storage stability of canola fatty acid methyl ester stabilised with antioxidants
- No. Panggil
- Edisi Vol. 44 No.3 November 2012
- Pengarang
- Penerbit Bandung The Institute for Research and Comunity Services I 2012