Pengembangan Produk Wafer Cokelat Beng-beng Berdasarkan Preferensi Konsumen PT. Mayora Indah Divisi Wafer .
Yuli Budiyanti
ABSTRACT Yuli Budiyanti, Product Development Beng-beng Chocolate Wafer Based on Consumer Preferences PT. Mayora Indah Wafer division. (led by Prof. Dr. Tumari Jatileksono, MSc., MA). Since found first time on year 1977, PT Mayora Indah Tbk have become one of food industry is of important at Indonesia. Beng-beng product can be said was known at society, even have become top of mind that beng � beng last superior with wafers sensed goal its choclate that performs difference with slogan �4 kelezatan sekaligus dalam sekali gigit� or in english �4 delicacies at a swoop in really bites �. But often its happening change at design packaging becomes deadstock to much, and can't use back to be marketted or distributed by consumer. Hereto researcher aims for analyse to increase prescriptive attribute behalf preference for consumer at PT. Mayora Indah Wafer division and look for attribute level combine that optimal deep beng-beng chocolate wafer product development. This research utilizes method Analysis Conjoint. Acquired primary data from kuisoner by totals respondent as much 360 at Tangerang's region south take school location (SMP and SMA) for adolescent consumer option and supermarket location (indomart, alfamart, carrefour, and giant for preferences adult consumer. Attribute that utilized by weight, Flavour, design packaging, cream's Wafer thickness, Price and Topping. This observational conclusion point out from attribute Thread that has to increase supreme behalf in chocolate beng beng's wafer product development which is Price, Weight, Topping, Flavour, Design packaging, and cream's wafer thickness. This observational tips is optimal deep choclate wafer product development bengbeng terminologicals preferences consumer in development is chocolate wafer product beng beng at PT Mayora Indah Wafer division which is, Price as big as Rp. 1000 � Rp.1500 / Pcs, weight 32gr, completed by Topping Rice Crispy. Key word: Preferences is Consumer, Analysis conjoint, Consumer Goods
- No. Panggil 658.8 BUD p
- Edisi
- Pengarang Yuli Budiyanti
- Penerbit USA 2013