Indonesian journal of geography
spatio temporal analysis of land use change for supporting landslide exposure assesment, determination of coastal belt it the disaster prone area, impact of land cover change on climate trend in padang indonesia, analysis community's coping strategies and local risk governance framework in relation to landslide, agricultural loss caused by 2007 sidoharjo's floods and its house-hold impact, an examination of the determinants of the mode of transport to primary healt facilities in a developing region, characterization of jos city road network, nigeria, evaluating the integreted enviromental management of munici-pal solid waste in osaka city, japan, the livelihood analysis in merapi prone area after 2010 eruption.
- No. Panggil
- Edisi Vol. 47 No.2, December 2014
- Pengarang
- Penerbit Yogyakarta Faculity of Geography UGM 2014