Jurnal kebijakan administrasi publik
Wahyudi Kumorotomo
Sound Governance in the Development of Mamminasata Metropolitan Areas in South Sulawesi Province. The Analysis of Development Disparities Inter Districts/ City in Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Province 2003-2013. Analysis of Three Actors: Roles of Government, Private Sector, and University toward Startup Growth in Yogyakarta. An Analysis of Poverty Reduction Program Based on the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) (A Case of the Family Hope Program Implementation in Pandak Bantul District 2014). New Design of Raskin Program (Analysis of the RASDA Implementation in Kulonprogo Regency). Implementation of Disaster and Risk Management Policy in the East-Cost of Madagascar.
- No. Panggil 320.05 KUM j
- Edisi Vol.20, Issue 1 May 2016
- Pengarang Wahyudi Kumorotomo
- Penerbit Yogyakarta MAP Universitas Gadjah Mada 2016