Jurnal aplikasi manajemen
Misbahuddin Azzuhri
grounded theory step by step revisited, beyond practical management, the dynamics of colors, consumer perceptions, and purchasing intentions of the primaveravespa products a review of young consumer behavior, effective interest rate comparation of honda and yamaha motorcycle credit, the influence of doctors communication skill and patient characteristics on patient comprehension of caesarean section in rsia puri bunda malang, probability of default, interest margin, and bank efficiency empirical test of merton model in indonesian banking, the effect of motivation and competence on employee performance in satellite technology center national institute aeronautics and space, development strategy of oil palm farmers revenue, office channeling and its impact on the profitability of islamic bank,study on directors policy on discharge waiting time of inpatients in University of Muhammadiyah Malang hospital ,smes innovation of the mediator of the influence of the implementation of csr program on competitive advantage of smes in malang, financial performance analysis using economic value added and market value added method in pt gudang garam tbk, pt hanjaya mandala sampoerna tbk and pt bentoel internasional investama, the influence of the mechanism of good corporate governance and capital structure on value of firm in banking sub sector that went public in idx in 2010 2014,determination of key performance indicator with balanced scorecard approach in public sector, the influence of consumer ethnocentrism and perceived value on purchase decision of local shoe in student environment, improving work engagement of gas station operator with the role of job resource, job demand, and job satisfaction,technopreneurship intentions in faculty of computer science brawijaya university students,intangibles resources and corporate performance the role of corporate entrepreneurship as mediator and entrepreneurial action as moderator, analysis of the influence of excellent service training on inpatient satisfaction in rsia puri bunda malang, the training and competence effect of pt batik trusmi cirebon semployee performance, analysis of incentive, work discipline, and education levels that influence employee performance
- No. Panggil 658.005 AZZ 2017
- Edisi Vol.15 No.2 June 2017
- Pengarang Misbahuddin Azzuhri
- Penerbit Malang Universitas Brawijaya Press 2017