Jurnal akuntansi dan investasi
Harjanti Widiastuti
The Institutionalization of Spending Review in Budgeting System in Indonesia. Government Internal Control System Maturity: The Role of Internal Guidance and External Control of Local Government in Indonesia. Economic and Psychological Approach to Increase Tax Compliance in Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises. Indonesian Local Governmentas Accountability and Performance: the Isomorphism Institutional Perspective. Partisipasi Anggaran dan Kinerja Managerial di Pemerintah Daerah: Anteseden dan Pemediasi. The Effect of Ownership Structure and Investor Protection to Firm Value: Analyst Following and as Moderating Variable. Era Baru Hutan Kecil Menara Telekomunikasi: Sebuah Analisis Perhitungan Tarif Retribusi. Remuneration and Disclosure of State Ministry / Agencies Financial Statements: Performance Role as Intervening Variable. Studi Kasus Fenomena Tingkat Serapan Anggaran pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah.
- No. Panggil 657.05 WID 2018
- Edisi Vol.19 No.1 January-June 2018
- Pengarang Harjanti Widiastuti
- Penerbit Yogyakarta Departement of Accounting UMY 2018